Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Classroom Jobs

This was my first year implementing classroom jobs and let me just say I LOVED IT. I'm a bit of a control freak and want things done a certain way, so I would always do those tedious jobs myself either before, during or after school. Why was I doing that to myself?! I'm definitely pro kiddos helping out in the classroom and below are a few reasons why. 

Click {HERE} to get my Chevron Classroom Jobs and Application to use in your classroom.

Classroom Jobs and Why They're Important

1. It saves you time and energy: First and foremost, wow does it save you time as a teacher! I realized all of these simple tasks I was wasting time on could be completed by my, more than willing with a smile on their face, kiddos. More times than not, the students take pride in their jobs and complete the tasks with care to impress you. Yes please!

2. It develops a sense of belonging: As much as we don't like to admit it, some of our kiddos just don't like coming to school. Whatever the reason may be, we as teachers want to try and make students feel as welcome and at ease as possible. Providing students with a classroom job, much like a household chore, lets them know, "Hey this isn't just my classroom it's our classroom and you're a part of it."

3. It develops a sense of responsibility: This kind of goes hand in hand with #2. Let's face it, now-a-days it seems kids get away with more and more and it starts in the home. In my opinion it's because kids. have. no. responsibility. Parents do everything for them. Sometimes students come into the classroom with the same mentality that everything will be done for them. Well let me tell you something! ;) While it's not our job to parent students (ahem...) it is our job to teach them as much as we can for the 180 days they are in our care. Providing students a classroom job, not only provides a sense of belonging as stated above, but it teaches them responsibility. EVERYONE NEEDS RESPONSIBILITY. I don't care how old you are! Students learn that our classroom runs smoothly, but only when everyone takes part in taking care of it.

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